Results for 'Jules A. Hoffmann'

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  1.  17
    Antimicrobial peptide defense in Drosophila.Marie Meister, Bruno Lemaitre & Jules A. Hoffmann - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (11):1019-1026.
    Drosophila responds to a septic injury by the rapid synthesis of antimicrobial peptides. These molecules are predominantly produced by the fat body, a functional equivalent of mammalian liver, and are secreted into the hemolymph where their concentrations can reach up to 100 μM. Six distinct antibacterial peptides (plus isoforms) and one antifungal peptide have been characterized in Drosophila and their genes cloned. The induction of the gene encoding the antifungal peptide relies on the spätzle/Toll/cactus gene cassette, which is involved in (...)
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    Superpositions: Ludwig Mach and Étienne-Jules Marey’s studies in streamline photography.Christoph Hoffmann - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (1):1-11.
    In the 1890s Ludwig Mach employed photography for visualizing streamlines in the emerging field of aerodynamic research. Étienne-Jules Marey developed a similar approach at the turn of the century. The two projects can be related to a number of current discussions on the history of scientific photography. The case of Ludwig Mach demonstrates how the collection of numerical data became both the subject and the challenge of a line of research intimately linked to the capacities of photography. At the (...)
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    Introduction à la Philosophie.Jules A. Basinée - 1940 - New Scholasticism 14 (4):426-426.
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    La Finalité Morale dans le Bergsonisme.Jules A. Baisnée - 1940 - New Scholasticism 14 (3):321-322.
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    (1 other version)What the New Scholasticism Has to Offer Modern Thought in the Field of the Philosophy of Nature.Jules A. Baisnée - 1926 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 1:63-72.
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    Bergson’s Approach to God.Jules A. Baisnée - 1936 - New Scholasticism 10 (2):116-144.
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    Précis d’Histoire de la Philosophie Moderne.Jules A. Baisnée - 1935 - New Scholasticism 9 (1):90-91.
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    Two Catholic Critiques of Personalism.Jules A. Baisnfée - 1944 - Modern Schoolman 22 (2):59-75.
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    The Twilight of Civilization.Jules A. Baisnée - 1943 - New Scholasticism 17 (3):289-295.
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    De Kant aux Postkantiens. [REVIEW]Jules A. Baisnée - 1940 - New Scholasticism 14 (4):420-424.
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    Christianity and Democracy. [REVIEW]Jules A. Baisnée - 1945 - New Scholasticism 19 (3):254-256.
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    Praelectiones Theologiae Naturalis. [REVIEW]Jules A. Baisnée - 1937 - New Scholasticism 11 (1):69-71.
  13.  32
    Vers l’Immanence Intégrale. [REVIEW]Jules A. Baisnée - 1935 - New Scholasticism 9 (1):60-63.
  14.  17
    Essai sur le Bergsonisme. [REVIEW]Jules A. Basinée - 1932 - New Scholasticism 6 (2):154-161.
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    Distinguer pour Unir, ou Les Degrés du Savoir. [REVIEW]Jules A. Baisnée - 1933 - New Scholasticism 7 (2):161-168.
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    Theologia Naturalis in usum Scholarum. [REVIEW]Jules A. Baisnée - 1940 - New Scholasticism 14 (1):85-86.
  17. The Semantic Theory of Truth: Field’s Incompleteness Objection.Glen A. Hoffmann - 2007 - Philosophia 35 (2):161-170.
    According to Field’s influential incompleteness objection, Tarski’s semantic theory of truth is unsatisfactory since the definition that forms its basis is incomplete in two distinct senses: (1) it is physicalistically inadequate, and for this reason, (2) it is conceptually deficient. In this paper, I defend the semantic theory of truth against the incompleteness objection by conceding (1) but rejecting (2). After arguing that Davidson and McDowell’s reply to the incompleteness objection fails to pass muster, I argue that, within the constraints (...)
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    Testing Children for Genetic Predispositions: Is it in Their Best Interest?Diane E. Hoffmann & Eric A. Wulfsberg - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (4):331-344.
    Researchers summoned a Baltimore County woman to an office at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health last spring to tell her the bad news. They had found a genetic threat lurking in her 7-year-old son's DNA—a mutant gene that almost always triggers a rare form of colon cancer. It was the same illness that led surgeons to remove her colon in 1979. While the boy, Michael, now 8, is still perfectly healthy, without surgery he is almost certain to develop (...)
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  19. Zur geschichtlichen Bedeutung der Naturphilosophie Spinozas.A. Hoffmann - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14:515.
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  20. Maria im Heilswerk.A. Hoffmann - 1955 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 2 (2):206.
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  21. Zur Förderung von Spitzenleistungen in der Ausbildung.A. Hoffmann - 1987 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (12):1125.
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  22.  10
    Biblical v. secular ethics: the conflict.R. Joseph Hoffmann & Gerald A. Larue (eds.) - 1988 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Establishing acceptable norms of behavior and consistent standards of conduct has been part of the human enterprise since the dawn of time. Without principles of ethics and the moral rules that affect individual behavior, humankind would plunge into a state of chaotic indifference, insecurity, and unending fear. But while few question the need for moral guidance, a growing number of people believe that the only ethic worth considering must rest on a biblical foundation. Is morality dependent upon God and "revealed (...)
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    X. Die Lehre von der Bildung des Universums bei Descartes.A. Hoffmann - 1904 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 17 (2):237-272.
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  24. Are propositions sets of possible worlds?A. Hoffmann - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):449-455.
    The possible-worlds analysis of propositions identifies a proposition with the set of possible worlds where it is true. This analysis has the hitherto unnoticed consequence that a proposition depends for its existence on the existence of every proposition that entails it. This peculiar consequence places the possible-worlds analysis in conflict with the conjunction of two compelling theses. One thesis is that a phrase of the form ‘the proposition that S’ is a rigid designator. The other thesis is that a proposition (...)
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  25.  65
    Facilitating Problem-Based Learning by Means of Collaborative Argument Visualization Software.Michael H. G. Hoffmann & Jeremy A. Lingle - 2015 - Teaching Philosophy 38 (4):371-398.
    There is evidence that problem-based learning (PBL) is an effective approach to teach team and problem-solving skills, but also to acquire content knowledge. However, there is hardly any literature about using PBL in philosophy classes. One problem is that PBL is resource intensive because a facilitator is needed for each group of students to support learning efforts and monitor group dynamics. In order to establish more PBL classes, the question is whether PBL can be provided without the need for facilitators. (...)
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  26.  43
    The Development of Cognitive Reappraisal From Early Childhood Through Adolescence: A Systematic Review and Methodological Recommendations.Cynthia J. Willner, Jessica D. Hoffmann, Craig S. Bailey, Alexandra P. Harrison, Beatris Garcia, Zi Jia Ng, Christina Cipriano & Marc A. Brackett - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Cognitive reappraisal is an important emotion regulation strategy that shows considerable developmental change in its use and effectiveness. This paper presents a systematic review of the evidence base regarding the development of cognitive reappraisal from early childhood through adolescence and provides methodological recommendations for future research. We searched Scopus, PsycINFO, and ERIC for empirical papers measuring cognitive reappraisal in normative samples of children and youth between the ages of 3 and 18 years published in peer-reviewed journals through August 9th, 2018. (...)
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  27. Piolanti A.: Collectio theologica Romana. [REVIEW]A. Hoffmann - 1950 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 28:343.
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  28. It's not the end of the world: when a subtraction argument for metaphysical nihilism fails.A. Hoffmann - 2011 - Analysis 71 (1):44-53.
    Metaphysical nihilism is the thesis that there could have been no concrete objects. Thomas Baldwin (1996) offers an argument for metaphysical nihilism. The premisses of the argument purport to provide a procedure of subtraction that can be iterated until we reach a world where no concrete objects exist. Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (1997) finds fault with Baldwin’s argument, modifies it, and claims to have proved metaphysical nihilism. My primary aim is to show that Rodriguez-Pereyra’s alleged proof rests on a false assumption. The (...)
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  29.  23
    Roald Hoffmann on the philosophy, art, and science of chemistry.Roald Hoffmann - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Kovac & Michael Weisberg.
    Roald Hoffmann's contributions to chemistry are well known; this Nobel laureate has published more than 500 articles and two books. As an "applied theoretical chemist," he has made significant contributions to our understanding of chemical bonding and reactivity, and taught two generations of chemists how to use molecular orbitals for real chemistry. Less well known, however, are Hoffmann's important and insightful contributions to the areas of scholarship surrounding chemistry. Over a career that spans nearly fifty years, Roald (...) has thought and written copiously about the broader context of chemistry and its relationship to the arts and poetry. This book contains Hoffmann's essays and is organized around several major themes: chemical reasoning and explanation, writing and communicating in science, ethics, art and science, and chemical education. A few are unpublished lectures that are valuable additions to the volume. The editors have the full cooperation of Roald Hoffmann in this project. Most of the published work will be reprinted verbatim, but a few of the essays will be revised to eliminate redundancy. The unpublished lectures will also be edited since they were originally intended to be delivered orally at specific occasions. The editors will provide an introduction to the book, and some introductory material for each section. In introducing the material, they will highlight the intrinsic importance and interest of the ideas, as well as the places where Hoffmann's thought makes novel contributions to cognate areas. (shrink)
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  30. A. Magrini O. F. M.: Ioannis Duns Scoti doctrina de scientifica theologiae natura. [REVIEW]A. Hoffmann - 1956 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 3 (4):425.
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    Penser avec Avicenne: de l'héritage grec à la réception latine, en hommage à Jules Janssens.Jules L. Janssens, D. De Smet & Meryem Sebti (eds.) - 2022 - Bristol, CT: Peeters.
    Jules Janssens a construit une œuvre importante, qui, pour de nombreux chercheurs, a ouvert des perspectives de recherches nouvelles et fécondes. Ses travaux ont fait date. Ils portent principalement sur la philosophie d'Avicenne, ses sources, ses rapports avec la pensée musulmane, son influence sur la théologie ash'arite (al-Ghazālī, Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī) et sa réception dans le monde latin. Pour lui rendre hommage, quatorze collègues et amis de renommée internationale se sont réunis pour poursuivre ses réflexions sur ces thèmes. L'ouvrage (...)
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  32. The Girl Who Cried Pain: A Bias against Women in the Treatment of Pain.Diane E. Hoffmann & Anita J. Tarzian - 2001 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (4_suppl):13-27.
    To the woman, God said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in child bearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”Genesis 3:16There is now a well-established body of literature documenting the pervasive inadequate treatment of pain in this country. There have also been allegations, and some data, supporting the notion that women are more likely than men to be undertreated or inappropriately diagnosed and treated for their (...)
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  33. Lettres de Jules Lachelier à Guido De Ruggiero.Jules Lachelier & Guido De Ruggiero - 2006 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3.
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  34. Economics and the law: A critical review of the foundations of the economic approach to law.Jules L. Coleman - 1984 - Ethics 94 (4):649-679.
  35.  14
    XXXV. Apollo Kitharödos.Otto A. Hoffmann - 1888 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 47 (1-4):678-702.
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    Bibliografische Nota's. [REVIEW]A. Pattin, Carlos Steel, Jules Janssens, Herman Parret & Paul Soetaert - 1973 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 35 (3):684 - 689.
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    Proleptic praise: A social function analysis.Jules Holroyd - 2024 - Noûs 58 (4):905-926.
    What is praise? I argue that we can make progress by examining what praise does. Functionalist views of praise are emerging, but I here argue that by foregrounding cases in which expressions of praise are rejected by their direct target, we see that praise has a wider, and largely overlooked, social function. I introduce cases in which praise is rejected, and develop a functionalist account of praise that is well placed to make sense of the contours of these cases. My (...)
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  38.  27
    Justice in Immigration.Jules L. Coleman, Warren F. Schwartz, Warren A. Schwartz & Gerald Postema (eds.) - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    When is it justifiable to exclude a person who wishes to enter a country? What are the acceptable moral bases for immigration policy? These questions lie at the heart of this book, the first interdisciplinary study of the fundamental normative issues underpinning immigration policy. A distinguished group of economists, political scientists, and philosophers offer a provocative discussion of this complex topic. Among the issues addressed are the proper role of the state in supporting a particular culture, the possible destabilization of (...)
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  39. Das Gutachten Cajetans: "De conceptu B. Mariae Virginis ad Leonem Decimum P. M.".A. Hoffmann - 1954 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 1 (2):179.
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  40. Der Mysterienbegriff bei Johannes Chrysostomus und die Mysterientheologie Odo Casels.A. Hoffmann - 1956 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 3 (4):418.
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    Jules Lequyer's Abel and Abel.Jules Lequier & Donald Wayne Viney - 1999
    The first part of this book is a translation of a philosophical work by the Breton philosopher Jules Lequyer, which explores questions of divine justice and human equality. The second part is a biography of Lequyer by Donald Wayne Viney, based on Prosper Hemon's life of Lequyer, and other material.
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    Corrective Justice and Property Rights: JULES L. COLEMAN.Jules L. Coleman - 1994 - Social Philosophy and Policy 11 (2):124-138.
    Suppose the prevailing distribution of property rights is unjust as determined by the relevant conception of distributive justice. You have far more than you should have under that theory and I have far less. Then I defraud you and in doing so reallocate resources so that our holdings ex post more closely approximate what distributive justice requires. Do I have a duty to return the property to you? There are many good reasons for requiring me to return to you what (...)
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  43. O. Lottin O. S. B.: Psychologie et morale aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles, IV: Problèmes de morale, 3e partie, 2 vol. [REVIEW]A. Hoffmann - 1955 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 2 (4):491.
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    Genealogies of Music and Memory: Gluck in the Nineteenth-Century Parisian Imagination.James H. Johnson - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):239-241.
    The music of Christoph Willibald von Gluck was a revolution for Paris operagoers when his work premiered there in 1774. In a setting known for its restive and often rowdy spectators, Alceste, Iphigénie en Aulide, and Orpheé et Eurydice seized audiences with unprecedented force. They shed silent tears or sobbed openly, and some cried out in sympathy with the sufferers onstage. “Oh Mama! This is too painful!” three girls called out as Charon led Alcestis to the underworld, and a boy (...)
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    Anti-localization suppresses non-radiative recombination in GaInN/GaN quantum wells.A. Hangleiter, C. Netzel, D. Fuhrmann, F. Hitzel, L. Hoffmann, H. Bremers, U. Rossow, G. Ade & P. Hinze - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (13):2041-2065.
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  46. Der junge Augustinus-Erst Freind, dann Verfechter der katholischen Lehre.A. Hoffmann - 1993 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 56 (1):16-29.
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  47. Zur theologischen Erkenntnislehre.A. Hoffmann - 1956 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 3 (1):51.
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  48. The Philosophy of Jules Lachelier: Du Fondement de l'Induction, Psychologie Et Métaphysique, Notes Sur le Pari de Pascal. Together with Contributions to Vocabulaire Technique Et Critique de la Philosophie and a Selection From His Letters.Jules Lachelier - 1960 - M. Nijhoff.
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  49. H. Doms: Vom Sinn des Zölibats. [REVIEW]A. Hoffmann - 1955 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 2 (4):498.
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    A Companion to Angels in Medieval Philosophy.Tobias Hoffmann (ed.) - 2012 - Brill.
    This book studies medieval theories of angelology insofar as they made groundbreaking contributions to medieval philosophy. -/- The discussion of angels, made famous by the humanist caricature of ‘how many angels can dance on the head of a pin’, was nevertheless a crucial one in medieval philosophical debates. All scholastic masters pronounced themselves on angelology, if only in their Sentence commentaries. The questions concerning angelic cognition, speech, free decision, movement, etc. were springboards for profound philosophical discussions that have to do (...)
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